Wednesday, August 12, 2015

More Videos...Just Mind the Rules!

I'm hearing more and more from the marketing world, and especially from social marketing, that videos are becoming even more important as a marketing tool.

I'm inclined to agree, provided that several key rules are observed.

First, the video ought to be native: that is, by you, of you.  Linked video from some other source is occasionally acceptable but that material does not contribute to your brand.  And your customers want to know what you can do for them.

Second, brevity is the soul of success.  I don't see anything longer than 30 seconds being a success story.  Almost anyone can justify 30 seconds for a succinct, meaningful message.  Longer ones dilute the value you can provide.

Third, video should be fresh.  Weekly or at worst bi weekly at worst.  Give customers something new and they'll keep returning to your page or site.

and Fourth, share value.  Do you have a tip or advice you can share (for free?)  Do you have a success story you can share of helping someone else?  Don't hesitate to share your passion for your service or product, your location, etc.  Do avoid a hard sell.  The video is a come on to attract someone further.

Making video is easier than ever!  Practically any camera, even on a smart phone, can record very acceptable video and there are free or low cost tools that can help editing.

Bottom line: Video is a low cost, high value friend.  It's well worth doing!

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