Tuesday, April 14, 2015

More Thinking About SMM

I am seeing a lot of requests for help with SMM, the dreaded "Social Media Marketing".  As we have seen before, SMM is one of those trends that everyone believes they must do but is extremely confusing for a beginner.

SMM is not magic.  It's simply marketing by other channels.  And that means that all the usual rules apply when selecting a platform: which one best connects you to your target customer?  can you afford to update your page(s) regularly and compellingly?  do you understand how the platform works: what are its "rules of the road"?   One must not over-commit.  One well done page is better than three poorly built and populated.

I think the game is limited to a handful of real players.  Those are Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and (maybe) Google+.  They all have different personalities and have evolved to represent different collections of consumers.  Here's an excellent breakdown of the major platforms, as published by Leverage New Age Media in 2014.

Don't panic.  Think about your marketing and only then think about where social media fits in.  Evaluate each platform and stick to the one or two that best serve you, and keep them fresh.  SMM is manageable!

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