Monday, April 13, 2015

Slogans! Slogans!

It caught my notice early in the entrepreneurial game that some (but hardly most) of my fellow small business owners adopted slogans for their business.  These usually take the form of "not your mother's X" or "no apologies for old fashioned service" or such.  And we see the big boys regularly queuing up some new slogan of the year (e.g. McDonald's "I'm Lovin' It") as they change ad agencies.

Is sloganeering worth it?  Absolutely, if done well.  The slogan must co-ordinate with the brand, be memorable enough to stick in someone's mind as a memory aid for recognizing your business, and not eclipse your other messages (or even your own business name!).  They are the marketing equivalent of a good sound bite: most don't cut it.

That list of requirements generally strikes down a lot of efforts.  I'll admit that even my own subtle slogan, posted to web site and business card, doesn't quite satisfy me.  I don't use it a lot, and wish some of the others I hear for other businesses would drop from sight!

By all means adopt one if you have it, but test market the slogan on friends.  See if it strikes a chord, describes you and your services, and doesn't sound silly.  If you can't come up with one, don't panic, don't struggle.  It won't be a problem.  If you advertising is in your future!

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