Friday, July 10, 2015

Keys to Good Engagement

At my last workshop I talked a little bit about tools that gave small business owners insights on how to compare customer engagement in the social media realm.  Since then I have been thinking about the customer engagement process as I talk with another client.  What are the "keys" to social media engagement?

Whether it be in Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest or others, the people willing to "follow" you want a good exchange for their time.  I think these suggestions can lock in that willingness.

1) Post often, rather than rarely.  Frequency signals that you are interested in establishing a vibrant community.  Rarity practically screams "only when I have the time."
2) Regularly post something of value:  a fact, a coupon deal, a funny story, you name it.  Be willing to share with others.  They might in turn share with their others and help promote your business.
3) Ask questions.  Invite followers to react to an idea, a challenge, or a thought point.  You don't need to have them solve one of your problems, but setting up a discussion helps connect people to you.
4) Use pictures.  Show off your business, products, employees, customers, whatever.  There is something about photographs that deeply attracts our attention.
5) Don't always talk shop.  But don't range too far off the reservation.  Post things that would make sense to people engaged with your work.  Have fun!
6) Check your facts, especially before sharing someone else's post.  Social media is thick with untruths, nonsense, and misinterpreted statements.  You don't want to have customers think you are a fool.
7) Be tasteful.  Avoid blue language, negativity, and above all post only what you'd be happy to share with your own grandmother.

If your page becomes a lively community of people connected to your business and your world, you will take a big step forward in becoming a customer engagement leader!  Start today!

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