Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Marketing Swag:

Anyone who has attended a few trade shows, or leads groups, or other B2B events has inevitably come into contact with "marketing swag".  That is to say, giveaway items that bear a business' logo and other identifying information.

Marketing swag is a game.  Attendees expect the stuff.  Presenters feel they have to offer the stuff.  Virtually no one does business as a result of exposure to the stuff.  And, of course, the presenter wrestles with the issue of how much--or more pointedly, how little--should be spent to generate the stuff.  As a result we are awash in branded pens, notepads, local team schedule magnets, and the like.  (Or, from the deep pocketed sponsors, piles of swag bags no one really ever uses again).

I'm now pretty much immune from the seductive charms of swag.  I don't look for the latest ballpoint pens.  But I am also now in the position of debating creating my own swag.  What am I thinking as I try to find the right stuff to give away?

Well, for leads group uses, I think the strategy is simply to attach a business card to something that can be used.  Like, say, a bottle of wine or a small sack of cookies.  I would rather someone detach the card and add to their rolodex than risk my name being unceremoniously being dumped in a drawer never to be seen again.   But for shows: hmm.  The swag needs to reflect my brand and be useful.  I'm looking at inexpensive repair kits, or small tools,...things that say "tune up" and hopefully get use enough to up my TOMA.

Hence I recommend to others that if "stuff" is needed, be judicious and think about your own brand and message and link it somehow.  We already have enough pens, thank you!

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